Sunday, July 21, 2013

Indigo Toes

My yarn and a shibori sample
Finally getting around to loading the pictures from last Thursday.  The monthly Cross Borders Weavers Study Group was held at the studio of one of our members (I am jealous - she has an ENTIRE house a her studio).  She had an indigo dye bath going for us to dye our yarn.  I learned many things that day.

  1. If you wear sandals - you go home with indigo spotted toes.
  2. Silk doesn't dye as dark as cotton (or at least the silk I had)
  3. If you wind a long warp the same way you do for painting a warp and dump it into an indigo dye vat - you get a tangled mess.
  4. But all in all it was great fun - even if the yarn is not a dark as I wanted it to be.

Mary's shirt
Various shades of blue
Our visitor from Japan
with her Shibori dyed socks

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