Friday, August 21, 2015

I Create and Crate

That is a line from the novel I just finished titled "An Unnecessary Woman" byRabih Alemeddine.  In the novel the women translates books and when she is finished - she boxes up the completed translations then starts another.   She is committed to the process but not the final product.

I feel like that with my weaving frequently.

The book claims: "None of this art business is of any consequence.  It is mere folly"

But still some of us must do it.

Just finished some samples for a weaving study group.
These won't be create and crate - but will be sent out to others in the study group.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Warp Finished

The painted warp that was on my new loom is now done.  Finished the third of the table runners.  For this one I took two patterns from the Laurie Autio workshop that the Michigan Weavers Guild had and combined them.  I am getting more adventurous!
I have to leave this loom for a while and weave samples on my other loom that I have promised to do.