Monday, August 21, 2017

My Solar Eclipse Adventure

Right now I am wishing that I was in a place to see todays total Solar Eclipse.  It is definitely something worth seeing.  I won't even be able to see the partial eclipse today - do not have the right equipment and will be in physical therapy.

In July, 1972 I was fortunate enough to see a total eclipse as part of the Central Michigan Astronomy Club.  We drove straight from Detroit to Prince Edward Island.  That was before the bridge - so we took the ferry to PEI.

A farmer who had land overlooking the sea, opened his land to scientific groups and we were lucky enough to qualify for a spot.   To keep costs down we camped and cooked out.  Of course we did have some time to play.

I remember how eerie it was at totality.  All the sea birds went crazy as the sun was blocked out.

Two members of the group went on to future scientific careers.  Dale Gary is currently a solar astronomer.  Ed Doty got a degree in atmospheric physics and worked for the EPA.