Friday, September 19, 2014

30 Flights of Stairs

Thats what my Fitbit said I did today.  It must be wrong but now that I am sitting here with my feet up, my legs feel like I could have done that many.

Of Fridays I volunteer at the weaving shop at Greenfield Village.  A lot of what I do takes me up and down the stairs.  Last week I recorded 10 flights, the week before 5.  Since I have had this thing - about a month now - the most stairs I ever did was 15 in one day.

So looking at the 30 - you can tell I didn't have the best day I have ever had working on the Jacquard loom.  When there is a mistake you need to go upstairs and reset it and then try to go back to a "good point".   Today was a day of MANY mistakes that I could not get back to the correct point.  Once I finally did I decided it was time to cut my losses and go home - before I had to go up and down those stairs again.

Better luck next week.

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