Friday, February 26, 2010

What if You Were a WPA Artist Today?

Last Sunday Frank needed to go down to the library at Wayne State to check out a book he wanted for his class.  I decided to go with him and he ended up not checking out the book he wanted and I ended up checking out two books to use to research weaving from Guatemala.

Afterwords - we walked to the Detroit Institute of Arts for lunch and a which visit.  Their current exhibit is:

                Government Support for the Arts: WPA Prints from the 1930s

I realize they plan these exhibits many years in advance but I find the topic interesting during this time.  During that depression the government wanted to put people to work including artists so funded this project to provide them work.  Seems like we could use that type of project now.

To try to make their exhibits more relevant, the DIA has taken to providing postcards with a challenge that the ask you to reply to.  This one stated:
     "WHAT IF YOU WERE A WPA ARTIST TODAY? You'd be paid to capture the "everyday American Experiences" of your own time.  On the back of this card, draw or write about the kinds of images you would create."   They had pictures of some of the examples.  What would you draw or write?  I am still thinking about it but you can see some of the examples at this link: