Tonight I was on my way to the Roots store to buy my traditional Winter Olympic hat and I saw a loom in the window of Optiks on Maple in downtown Birmingham. I go in and they have two different fund raisers for different weaving project.
The Namtegna Project is sponsored by Cranbrook Kingswood Weaving Studio. They assisted in building a weaving studio in Namtenga Africa. Their weaving for sale their is in cotton and of simple patterns. They can be worn as scarfs but I may go back and get one as a table runner. They also have some beautifal wool scarfs and shawls made with vegetable dyes and woven in India in a village in the Himalayans. You can tell they have been weaving longer than the African group but they are both interesting. I will try to bring a sample of the scarf I purchased to the next guild meeting. If you are in the neighborhood - stop by and take a look and perhaps support one of the groups.
The window design is quite clever so I thought I would share some pictures I took of the display