Monday, November 24, 2014

2014.11.24 Back from my Latest Break

Took a break but now back to the scanning.  I am sure the gentleman below is from my mothers side but I do not recognize him.  Must be important since I have an 8 x 10 photo.
 The next photo is interesting.  There are not allot of photos of my dad's mother but here is one with her dancing.  Not sure who her partner is but I suspect it is her brother.  She had a couple.
Grandma Lolli and a Lungaro?

Next is a picture of both sets of grandparents.  They knew each other when their kids were young. In fact in the stash of stuff from my Dad's apartment is a letter written by my Grandma Lolli to my other grandmother.
Both sets of Grandparents
 - my dads parents in the middle -
my mom's on the end

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