Friday, February 22, 2013

No Submission

On February 7 I spoke about the first photo assignment titled NO which had a whole list of items you could not photograph.  We had to turn in 4 photos.  On Thursday we received the teachers grading and critique of each photo.  I received a 91 out of 100.  Those who know my perfectionist aspirations would know I was somewhat disappointed in the score but I can agree with some of his comments.  The following are the photos with his score and comments.

Photo 1 -  score 24/25

Good composition, and use of available light, unique subject.  Fits the assighment well.  All lines are interesting in a way, too.

Photo 2 - score 24/25
Very creepy in a good way (that is because the first comment someone made in the class critique was that this was very creepy!).  Strong camera angle.  Nice use of depth of field although t is just not quite on the face where it should be.  Composed well.

Photo 3 - score 22/25

Good camera angle.  Fills the frame well, although some at the top would be good to crop out.  Depth of field is effective.

Photo 4 - Score 21/25
Composition is good.  A bit too askew and could use a better crop to simplify the image.  Nice use of color - blue against the brick.

The scores on the next assignment should be interesting since I thought these were better than my second assignment.

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