Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Who Hates My Birds?

Yesterday was not a good day.  (At least today is going better!)  Woke up not feeling well.  We received a phone call from my sister-in-law who lives in Rhode Island that she had taken the train in the day before and was in town (If you know her you would not be surprised even though we were).  When she called the day she had arrived we were in Port Huron so she ended up at a motel.   After changing our plans and taking her around to look at apartments (she is considering moving here), we went out on the deck for a drink and I noticed that someone had taken both my bird feeders from the back yard.  Out of all the things to steel in my yard - why those.  I love to sit out on the deck or at my dining room table watching the birds.
Looks like I will need to go my replacements.