Thursday, March 19, 2020

About to Go Down a Black Hole?

I was supposedly cleaning my home office and moved a box of old address books of my mom's and dads.  Unfortunately I opened it and looked at my dads book from world war II.

Saw a S. Lolli - with an address of Richmond, Virgina.  I am not aware of any Lolli relatives in Virginia.

Went to and found a Sense Lolli at 1721 Ingram Ave Richmond Virginia.  Age 54,  born May 27, 1887 in Telamo.

Are any of my Lolli relatives aware of such a person?  I guess the search begins!!!!

(ANYTHING to not clean any more!)

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Before the Current Melt

In the 40s today so the snow is melting - again. The picture is from our last snow.   I know most people don't like the snow - but if it must - is should stay around so you can go skiing or snowshoeing.   This winter is snows - then melts.