Since the Vermeer painting that is on loan to the DIA is only on display until tomorrow we went down to see it. It was displayed next to two other Dutch paintings from the same timeframe - you could really see why Vermeer is so revered. The painting was in the entryway to the Dutch gallery so you could see it across the courtyard - it glowed even from the distance.
Always fun to people watch. There was a lady holding up two different pictures of the painting in front of the picture - first one, then the other. Don't quite know what she was looking for. I do not believe a picture can capture the glow of parts of the painting.
So I go home and read the next chapter of the book I am reading "The Elegance of the Hedgehog" and I come across these sentences: "Even Vermeer can't convince me to hold life dear. He is sublime, but he is dead." I don't agree with the first sentence but do agree that his paintings are sublime.
The other exhibit we took in today was an exhibit of prints from the DIA collection done by Picasso and Matisse. Matisse is one of my favorite artists. I was very impressed with what Detroit has in their collection. And it was so good to see so many people viewing the exhibit.