Friday, February 17, 2012

Liker - Not a Lover

Just finished "The Lover" by A.B. Yehoshua. I liked the book but did not love it. I hated this cover. I dislike when they make the authors name the most important element. Also do not believe it fits the bookwell. Found two other cover examples on the internet.  The next one - while more to my liking it too much like the previous book I just read.   I believe it fits the book better.

The next one is the cover I really love.  Of course - I am a sucker for anything made up of type. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Pleasant Surprise

Entered the student show at the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center.  Supposed to submit work that represents what you did in classes.  You were allowed to submit two items.  Decided on the print of a photo I took in Florence.  It is a gum arabic print that I then colored with water color pencil.  I was pleased with how it turned out but surprised that it was juried in when I saw some of the other prints that were being submitted (yes Jyl, I do believe your dolphin print was better).

I recently took the weaving course and thought I should submit something from that since very little weaving ever makes it into the show.  The baby blanket I made has already been given away but I did weave a shibori scarf and then dyed it in the Michigan Weavers Guild dye day.  I am very surprised that that made it in since it is not up to my usual weaving standards.  I was in such a rush to finish by the dye day it ended up with very uneven ends and more variation in beat than I like.   I was VERY surprised that this made it.

I guess one never knows.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Last 2012 Book Catch U

I am almost embarrassed to say that I picked this book up to read since it was about the Princess Diana accident.  In fact - I put it down a couple times at the library before I took it out.   I have always been turned off by the obsession of people about the fatal accident and the aftermath of the accident to a bystander is the topic of the book.

That said - I liked the book and glad I picked it up.  I had read a book by the author Laurence Cosse previously, titled "The Novel Bookstore" which I LOVED.

This book is a fictional portrayal of someone who was in the tunnel during the accident,  left the scene and what happens to her after.   The writing is lovely and the book really holds you.

That said - I had wished the book cover looked less like a photograph and was more of a sketch.  But now that I write this - maybe the photo is more appropriate since the paparazzi was part of the problem.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

American vs UK Versions

Last night I finished "Major Pettigrew's Last Stand".  I would describe it as a "cute" book.

After reading the book - the picture at the left which was from the American paperback edition fits the book much better than the one from the UK edition - though it is a "cute" picture but much too modern for the shy love affair the book is about.

UK edition

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

She Was - I Am Not - Ice Bound

Thought January was a good month to read a book about Antarctica even though we had a relatively mild January.  Antarctica does  not sound like a pleasant place to spend the winter.

I found the book very interesting but the cover not so.  I found the earlier cover much more interesting but once it became a best seller it changed to play up the person versus the cold.

Earlier cover

Monday, February 6, 2012


The second book I read this year was "Breakfast at Tiffany's".  I was very surprised at how different it was from the movie version we all know and love.

Much better cover than the first edition cover.

First Edition Cover

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Book Cover Review #1: A "Pip" of a Cover

In the Design for Print and Web class on Saturday - he spent some time showing us pictures of various book covers which he considers good places to look at both good and bad design.

I decided to look back at the book covers of those books that I have read so far this year.  The first book was "Mister Pip" by Lloyd Jones.   In looking on the internet, I found lots of different covers before I found the one on the edition that I read.

I found a blog that looked at three different versions below of the books cover and rated which they preferred.  I agree with the author in preferring the British edition.

British Edition

Canadian Edition

American Editon