Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Intro to Photoshop Assignment #3

Our third assignment was to create a collage.  I picked pictures that I took in Sicily (all except the Sicily symbol which I got off the internet.   I think I got a bit carried away.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Intro to Photoshop Assignment #2

Our second assignment was to repair an old photo or to "beautify" a picture. We were encouraged to use one of our own photos instead of one that he supplied.   He kept talking about his definition of beautify - which was not to take all the pounds off, eliminate the wrinkles or make someone look like a "Barbie Doll", but to do small cosmetic clean-ups.

In todays New York Times there was the following article:

Photoshopped or Not? A Tool to Tell 

I was amazed as some of the examples they had.  They talked about trying to establish a standard as to how much retouching was done.  In my example I would say it was kept to a 1 or 2.  I decided to use a picture I had taken of my dad.  I just cleaned up is face a little.  The biggest change I made was to eliminate the sling he had on since that was not a permanent feature but a temporary one. 

Digitally Altered

Monday, November 28, 2011

Intro to Photoshop Assignment #1

Our last class is on Thursday.  Our first assignment was to do a color correction.  I never realized such a thing was possible.  Can't see a big difference but the snow is less blue so it should be truer to real life.
Color Corrected

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Falling Trees versus Falling Leaves

Supposed to be the season for falling leaves - instead we had falling tree. 

Sunday evening we heard an explosion and looked out side to see a close up of the tree that fell due to the high winds onto our house and garage.  We were lucky - house is still livable - no hole in the roof.  Our awning and frame is ruined and there is damage to the gutters and shingles.  The garage roof and siding,  were also hit.   

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

SpiderMan Bandaids

OK - what does spiderman bandaids have to do with anything?

I attended the workshop sponsored by the Michigan Weavers Guild that was given by Diane Totten titled "Crimp and Create".  One of the items on the supply list was bandaids.  Of course I had to throw the spiderman bandaids into the bag.  The bandaids - which I ended up sharing with others, was for the blisters one developed from crimping on the pull threads to create the permanent pleats that was part of the technique we learned.

I read the instructions incorrectly so I was not able to experiment as much as others with various "patterns" of crimping.  So I was left with color experimentation.

But I loved the technique.  So crimped scarfs are now on my list for future weaving projects.
Some of Diane's Samples
Examples of Diane Tottens Weaving

Some of my samples