Todays New York Times had an interesting article about a women, Sara Bakewell, who wrote a book titled "How to Life" which is a biography tying things back to the essayist Michel Eyquem de Montaigne. He is considered the first essayist and the article talks about how he inspired a significant number of writers and in some ways could be the inspiration for blogging even though he was from the 16th century.
What I found most interesting about the article though was one of her favorite of her 20 items on how to live. It was "Read a log, forget most of what you read and be slow-witted".
That definitely resonated with me since I love to read but forget most of it.
Bakewell writes that Montaigne always complained about his "monstrously deficient memory and that reading and forgetting "let him follow his own thoughts wherever they led".
Perhaps why I love to read.